Saturday, September 18, 2021

Miscellany from Week 5


The Institute for Defence Studies and Analysis has undertaken a project titled Indigenous Historical Knowledge and as part of that project they published three volumes on Kautilya and His Vocabulary - One, Two and Three which can be accessed online for free. Here the scholars have made an attempt to connect classical thinking in India and its impact on strategic affairs in India.

The main author P K Gautam has also published another work titled Kautilya’s Arthashastra: Contemporary Issues and Comparison which is a sequel to One Hundred Years of Kautilya's Arthasastra.


As I briefly mentioned in the class, the case of Kosovo was addressed by the ICJ in an advisory opinion. As far as India is concerned, it appears that there is some concern in India about recognition of Kosovo and how it might affect our stance on Kashmir, as per this The Hindu story. On the other hand, this IDSA response suggests that India is waiting for an international consensus to emerge. There seem to be some recent comments by the Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani who said recently that India should Kosovo is not Kashmir and that India should recognise them, according to an article published in WION.


One of the your peers, Mr. has done a short study on Micronations, which I have shared with all of you. 

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